Main Sessions Sponsors

Breakout Sessions Sponsors

Standard Exhibitors

If your ministry or organization has great resources or opportunities for church and campus based collegiate ministers, consider being a sponsor at EDM’23. We expect to have between 400 and 800 staff there, which is a broad range, but it’s our first national collegiate staff conference. We’ve already received commitments from regional leaders and mega-churches, we expect to have staff attending from these national ministries: BCM, Campus Outreach, Chi Alpha, Christian Challenge, Cru, EveryNation, InterVarsity, StuMo, The Navigators, and more… Email CMT to inquire further about becoming a sponsor at EDM’23.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Standard Exhibitor | $800 | Sold Out
Two full-conference registrations, including all conference meals and special events
Exhibit table space (6 foot table)
Conference grab bag
Name, logo, and link in the conference app
Breakout Sponsor | $1,500 | Sold Out
Standard benefits, plus:
Slide and name recognition at session announcing the break
Your banner or a 3’x4’ poster by beverage station
Opportunity to have your books in our bookstore
Main Session Sponsor: $3,000 | Sold Out
Standard benefits, plus:
Two minutes on stage (video or presentation) at a general session with all conference attendees
Opportunity to place collateral on chairs
Opportunity to have your books in our bookstore