Operation World
by Jason Mandryk
A Prayer Guide for the Nations
Welcome to the World. We live in a globilized world where I can skype someone in Vietnam, facebook a friend in Ireland, and tweet to folks who follow me in 20 nations. Yet how much do we know about God’s work in those nations?
It is hard to be burdened by the needs of people around the world when we do not know them. It is hard to love fellow believers in other country when we know nothing about the culture and place in which they live. This is one of the “Top 50 most influential evangelical books”according to Christianity Today, and it deals effectively with both issues and is a powerful, comprehensive, authoritative guide to the current state of global Christianity. It provides useful information for every single country in the world regarding…
- Ethnic / Racial Demographics
- Religious landscape of countries
- Population of Christians in the area and direction of growth (increasing/decreasing)
- Relevant historical data about current political and spiritual status of country
- Direct prayer requests from representative Christians in respective countries so that readers may be able to partner in prayer and understanding
Operation World has been the definitive global prayer and mission handbook for 48 years. It will help focus your heart and life towards God’s passion for this world. It will help you mobilize others to effective intercession and world missions and ultimately, to help the global Church fulfill the Great Commission.
“Only in heaven will be known the effect that prayer has had in speeding the work of world evangelization. We may discover that it was the most powerful force exerted by the church in making a difference in this world.” – Ajith Fernando.
The first 40 pages are worth the price of the book, as it gives broad strokes about the greatest needs in the Body of Christ, the greatest movements happening, and the progress of world evangelization. This 7th version has been completely updated and covers every country in the world. It is available in CD, DVD, or print form. The DVD is the most complete with color printouts and maps, videos, a prayer calendar, a search feature, and the ability to put the information into your presentations. We recommend this if you lead others because it makes the information easier to access.
Why we like it
- It is succinct yet complete to help you, your students, and your team pray for every nation on the planet.
- Easy to print out either one country, or a particular page
- Great stats and maps on the state of the church around the world.
- Using it will enlarge your vision and give you a greater passion for all of God’s people.
How to use it
- Print or copy one country for leader meetings and pray for that country (especially if it is one you have gone to or will go to)
- Use in your personal prayer time, devotionals, talks, prayer meetings, or with your family.
- If you are going overseas, use this tool as one way to train and prepare your students for ministry in that country.
- Review the world stats and maps and memorize that facts that really strike you and pertain to your ministry.
- There are more suggestions in the beginning of the book under “how to use Operation World.”
Christ died for every tongue, tribe, and nation. Every tongue tribe and nation will be in heaven around the throne (Rev 5:9, 7:9). So the scarlet thread of redemption must go through every people group (approximately 16,000). In our global society, with this resource, there is no reason every Christian cannot know more about what God is doing around the world. If prayer is one of the ways we can engage in reaching the nations (and it is), then this guide is indispensable.