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The Freedom Fight
Student Survey

The tsunami of pornography and sex addiction is coming, but most are unaware of its approaching and destructive danger. If we are making disciples of this generation of students but not equipping them to walk in freedom from pornography, we are doing them a huge disservice, and in many ways we are building a house of cards.

The first step is understanding the magnitude of the issue and what it will take to find freedom.

In an effort to raise awareness of the tsunami that is coming, The Freedom Fight is conducting a national survey of porn use among junior high, high school and college students both male and female. This will enable campus ministers and pastors to know the “condition of their flock.”

Would you help by taking the following two steps?

  1. Ask your students to take the anonymous survey below
  2. Send the message below to fellow staff.

Suggested message to staff:

The Freedom Fight is conducting an anonymous student survey on pornography to better understand the breadth and depth of the porn epidemic among Christian junior high, high school and college students. This is an important step in helping ministry leaders and pastors appreciate the scope of this issue. This 20-question student survey will take less than 3 minutes and is completely anonymous. After you check out the questions, would you consider texting, posting or emailing this link to your students as part of this nationwide effort?

As a thank you for helping us, we will share the results of this survey with you.

It will be nationwide results only because as an anonymous survey we will NOT be collecting data on specific groups or locations.

*This is important for students to know as it will reassure them that it is truly anonymous.

Suggested message to students:

Would you be a part of a nationwide anonymous student survey on pornography? It takes less than 3 minutes and is completely anonymous. Just click the link, click your answers and click DONE to submit it.