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Campus ministries race to keep up with record number of international students

July 31, 2017

After the travel ban put out by the current administration was partially approved, it became clear that in the coming years America’s relationship with immigrants (and international students) could change drastically.

Given the nearly ten-fold increase of international students attending schools in the last decade, this travel ban could have a “chilling effect… for Muslim Students,” and complicate the jobs of campus ministers around the nation.

Such an uncertain environment could be a tremendous opportunity for Campus Ministry workers to be a welcoming presence to students who may be unsure whether or not they really are welcome in our country.

This article from The Gospel Coalition outlines some of the demographic and lifestyle changes occurring throughout the international student community.

Also be sure to check out our Xplore study (available for order or in a free PDF). This could be an incredibly effective tool to walk through with your students to help them gain a better understanding of God’s heart for the nations.