Webinar: Fully Funded This Summer
Hello friends. If you’re serious about getting to full support before students flood your campus at the end of summer, watch this webinar, listen to the live Q&A, and keep your eye on the chat feed. There’s a few good laughs in there.
We’re dead set on helping every campus minister be spiritually healthy, vision-driven, and fully funded. As the founder of both CMT and Support Raising Solutions, we’ve had the privilege of helping train ministry workers from over 500 organizations.
If you’re one of the 549 campus ministers who attended our first webinar live, we hope you enjoyed your free downloads. If you weren’t able to attend live, we’ve included one of the downloads below. Enjoy!
—Steve Shadrach a.k.a. “Shaddy Daddy”
Another reason to watch the webinar: you’ll finally understand what the heck is going on in that picture up there.