Seven out of ten college graduates have student loans. That is truly staggering. Overwhelming. There is so much at stake; we cannot afford to sit idly by while we lose ...
Support raising is essentially connecting God’s resources and His people with His plan.
Jesus talked about money more than any other topic. He talked about it because people cared about it and he would get to their heart issues through the topic of ...
What you do the final month of each year has a profound impact on your upcoming year of ministry. Don’t miss this strategic year end opportunity to pour fuel and ...
Your end of year appeal prepares those to whom you would like to make a face-to-face appeal in coming months. A well-written end of year letter should be an important ...
Did you know the final month of each year is one of the most strategic times of the year for support raising? Are you prepared to leverage the season?
I’ve said that people welcome feedback as long as it has nothing to do with parenting or finances. I believe we can break that cycle by making wise financial ...
As we speak, college students are being taught how to pick their stock options carefully and plan their retirement accordingly. But there is one conviction that the university will most ...
I believe the college years are perfect to groom a person as to how they will govern finances for the rest of their life. How a person relates to money ...
I know this sounds crazy. I want to raise my support, and I would not have it any other way. Don’t get me wrong—a paycheck is nice. I’ve been there ...