Today, our students receive two conflicting messages about sexual freedom. One is the message of freedom the gospel presents that leads to healthy relationships. The other tells them more casual ...
Feel like you are stumbling around when you pray? Check out this talk to hear some simple principles that will help you rethink your prayer life.
We progress in holiness the more we immerse ourselves in the truth that Jesus Christ bled and died to save helpless sinners like you and me.
We aren’t using the word flippantly when we say porn has created an epidemic. It has derailed so many ministry opportunities throughout history it’s ridiculous. We need a better understanding ...
Do you want to endure through suffering? If so, embrace your weakness and trust God. All of us will have to learn how to face suffering either now or in ...
I remember lying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling in our Italian apartment. We’d just gotten home from a walk, the children were napping, and by all ...
In campus ministry there are some amazing moments where God does something beyond your hopes and expectations. But then there are moments when things go wrong. When the sense of ...
We’re all faced with spiritual moments in life that take us from casual spectators to active participants, especially when it comes to being a person of faith.
As you seek to climb for more on your campus, realize that there is a great hope that God has for you! He has called you into His kingdom to ...
Do you regularly memorize scripture? Do your students? Looking back on the last 14 years, scripture memory has completely transformed my life. The verses I have memorized are one of ...