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One sows. Another reaps. Both celebrate.

November 13, 2017

Have you ever poured your time and prayers into someone who just doesn’t seem receptive? If so, you’ve probably felt discouraged and questioned whether you’re wasting your time.

The story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well speaks to this common scenario. It reminds us that our job is to be faithful to the task God has given us, take people as far as we can, and be driven by the vision of someday rejoicing in Heaven over the impact of God’s work through us.

Along with paradigm-shifting scriptures, profound quotations, and inspiring stories, Tyler Ellis also shares a helpful chart called The Scale of Spiritual Awareness and Growth, which he adapted from Tom Phillip’s book, The World at Your Door.

As you listen, be sure to follow along with these slides that were created to go hand-in-hand with this message.