Your efforts to mobilize students to have a personal ministry will be much more effective if you give students “tracks to run on” as you inspire them with stories and ...
I’m finding that today’s college students often need some kind of varied, ongoing exposure process in order to hear the good news fully. That’s why drop-off tools ...
Allowing students to be a part of developing a campus ministry strategy will help them reach their personal ministry targets.
You will never see any movement on campus until leaders pass on the urgency of evangelism by modeling how to have a personal ministry.
As full-time ministry workers we live in the constant tension of evangelism. I found this video from Timothy Keller on evangelism extremely relevant and true for campus ministry. He explains ...
A Hail Mary is much more exciting to watch. But what is far more common to see is the offensive team slowly march their way down the field, first down ...
A personal ministry target is an affinity group or pocket of people on campus who shares something in common. The goal is to share the gospel with as many as ...
In this conference workshop, Paul looks at the key principles and essential perspective needs for a lifetime of making disciples.
It wasn’t until the middle of my junior year when I realized that I already lived in the midst of a mission field—my fraternity. In 1990 I joined staff ...
We are rightly obsessed with getting the gospel right. We must be equally passionate about getting that right gospel to the lost and dying world who are starving for a ...