A good definition for mobilization might be: “Deploying an army of laborers to the front lines where they are ordering their lives around the Great Commission.” These are ...
Evangelism on the college campus is a fruitful and absolutely worthy endeavor—none of us would deny that. So why is it seemingly a touchy subject, especially when it comes to ...
Evangelism is awkward! And that’s ok. In his book Beyond Awkward, my friend and fellow campus minister, Beau Crosetto, shares how awkward evangelistic efforts can pave the way for life ...
The way a mediocre magician becomes a good magician is by practicing the steps to perform with excellence—and we must do the same…
A couple of years ago our staff team agreed to never share the gospel alone again. If we want to be a multiplying ministry that makes disciples who make disciples ...
Introducing somebody to Christ is one of the most exciting things we do in the Christian life. The best part is knowing I’m just a small cog in the ...
As I have been focusing on this rather narrow niche of male students over the years, I’ve concluded there are some unique, but powerful, advantages to reaching out to these ...
Campus Ministry Leader, let’s get real with each other. If your vision is only for the campus, it’s too small.
Ignorance is bliss, but it can also be deadly. One of the most dangerous misuses of Christian phrases I’ve heard recently is the overuse of the phrase “unreached people group ...
The first few weeks of the fall semester are the most important time for you to reach students. It’s harvest time! Do you remember your first weeks as a ...