I know this sounds crazy. I want to raise my support, and I would not have it any other way. Don’t get me wrong—a paycheck is nice. I’ve been there ...
A lot of students today come from broken or dysfunctional homes, many times with parents who have not really modeled or taught their children some of the essentials of just ...
“I want to serve God and be obedient to His leading in my life, but I don’t want to….RAISE SUPPORT!” If you have said or thought these words ...
“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there” is an old saying that depicts many of today’s ministries. Student leaders, staff workers, or volunteers may ...
Even as an old man, I will probably still be dividing my year up the way students do: fall, spring, and summer. We all get a new lease on life ...
During my sophomore year in college, I befriended a young pledge from Louisiana named Mike. He was a handsome, wealthy, fun-loving partier, like a number of my fraternity brothers were ...
I didn’t say it; nineteenth-century Christian leader and author S. D. Gordon did. “Prayer is the real work of the ministry. Service is just gathering in the results of prayer ...