Countless people will come in and out of a person’s life on a short-term basis. These may include wonderful speakers, teachers, and leaders. The apostle Paul sees such people as ...
I’ve regularly fought the lies of, “we don’t have enough”, “we must be the biggest or best ministry on campus to really matter”, and “we ...
I never thought I would have to write an article like this. I travel from campus to campus challenging students to understand their responsibility to reach all nations. You know…Christian ...
Because the Great Commission is such a significant undertaking, our actions cannot be haphazard or random. We must go about it strategically, and that is where Target Areas come in
Do we struggle to share our faith because other things are more important to us than the souls surrounding us each day? Your priorities reflect what you care most about ...
Let me encourage you to relax and trust God as you lead your ministry. There will be set backs, there will be discouragement, there will be awkward moments when no ...
I love John Piper. His book “Desiring God” transformed my life and because of his sermon, “Boasting Only in the Cross,” my life will be leveraged for God’s ...
I am an evangelist. Nothing gets me more stoked than sharing the good news of Jesus with someone for the first time. However the role of an evangelist was given ...
I sincerely believe this generation of university students is one of the most significant, exciting, and challenging generations of our time. They are without a doubt the most connected generation ...
Eric grew up in a good, moral family that went to church each Sunday, gave to the building fund, and even took a role in the Christmas play. Through most ...