There’s a famous story about a judo master and his student who had lost one of his arms in a serious car accident. While an accident like this would end most ...
Following Jesus Christ as Lord is life-changing: new friends, new habits, new places you hang out. While the new found freedom in Christ is wonderful, the transition can be a ...
You’ve got 5 minutes until your next discipleship appointment, and, for whatever reason, you didn’t prepare. Life happens, but we don’t want it to take away from the quality time ...
I’ve been reflecting lately on what true “success” looks like in a collegiate ministry. Is a successful collegiate ministry best measured by the number of students involved in Bible studies ...
Discipleship is the engine of any good ministry. Just as engines need fuel for proper maintenance and performance, discipleship is dependent upon evangelism to keep it running. Unfortunately, though, evangelism ...
Creating disciple-making movements on campus Around the world, missiologists have recognized and described one hundred different disciple-making movements that are exploding in some of the least likely places you would ...
I sincerely believe this generation of university students is one of the most significant, exciting, and challenging generations of our time. They are without a doubt the most connected generation ...
Since I met God, I have been giving God away to women in my life. I was trained and first discipled on my college campus at the University of Arkansas ...
Coming from a man who has experienced the ins and outs of discipleship, there is a lot to learn from his mistakes and successes.
Before we set out into ministry, we need to first understand what our ultimate goal is. What will the student look like when they are finished with our ministry? God ...