Without campus ministry leaders crossing cultural lines, our ministries, students, and the gospel will not cross over either. It’s up to you to decide if you are going to ...
I once believed that you serve in areas of gifting and places you enjoy. But then I realized that if you think you’ll only serve in places of comfort ...
Your efforts to mobilize students to have a personal ministry will be much more effective if you give students “tracks to run on” as you inspire them with stories and ...
What would change about your ministry if you asked God to send 10% of your seniors overseas for two years and for the other 90% to live out their most ...
I’ve found that over the years, establishing the habit of incorporating these bi-annual prayer getaways into my ministry has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
Ever vigilant, this awkward but persistent young visionary pioneered the modern missions movement from America. If Samuel could communicate one thing to us today it would be, “We can do ...
Short-term mission trips have become a primary method in mobilizing students to be a part of God’s global purposes.
I know I’m showing my age in revealing this list of my “goldie oldies,” but these books have stood the test of time. Put these on your “to read” ...
I’m finding that today’s college students often need some kind of varied, ongoing exposure process in order to hear the good news fully. That’s why drop-off tools ...
Since most campus directors are from Mars and women are from Venus, it’s difficult to understand each other from light years away. I facilitate this two-way discussion about ...