Growth in ministry is always exhilarating! Having more there than last year, starting a new small group, having to set out “overflow” seating; all of these things keep you ...
David Clark writes about choosing, equipping, and evaluating small group leaders so that they grow and see mission expand on campus. I still remember my first time attending a small group ...
David Clark identifies two community group essentials—content and atmosphere. Community groups are a critical part of a college ministry—they are a great “front door” for students who aren’t as interested ...
Becoming bold with Jesus can be difficult with the people we are around every day. I used to play basketball with a group of guys at the local 24 Hour ...
For decades, Cru’s mission has been “Turning lost students into Christ centered laborers.” Our mantra has been “Win/Build/Send”. The reason I have remained on campus for 20 years is ...
“Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” (Matthew 23:12). Our college ministry staff has been reading the classic Campus Crusade book “Principles God Honors” by Jim ...
Everyone is live. Me, you, your grandma. Overnight, social media changed. Now, we don’t get online just to see what our friends are doing or watch ...
Include – To make someone a part of something. We all want to reach new heights of inclusion in our ministries. The foundation for all of our efforts on college ...
Every ministry yearns to have a growing, dynamic large group with lots of excitement, momentum and relationships. As important and valuable as a large group meeting can be, we dare ...
There is a reason weekly gatherings are a staple in campus ministry. They provide an opportunity for students to worship together, hear a message from God’s Word, and stay in ...