On the college campus, with increasing frequency, we’re seeing upperclassmen leaders in our ministry struggling to keep their heads above water. Unable to personally thrive, they are completely unable to ...
Most of us cringe at the word evangelism. Christians I talk to are creeped out by it, uncomfortable, and want to run as far away from “witnessing” as possible. Evangelism ...
During the past fourteen years I’ve spent recruiting and sending student missionaries, I have had a front row seat to thousands of students stepping out to serve on mission. Thousands ...
Making an impact among college students requires grit. I once attended a Q&A session with Louie Giglio at a collegiate conference. He was asked, “How do I make an ...
A conversation around the centrality of discipleship in global missions is an important consideration for globally-minded Christians. The Great Commission clearly illuminates the importance of discipleship in finishing God’s mission ...
When I was in college, my twin brother Paul and I were mentored by a man named Max Barnett. He was already a veteran college minister in his 70s, but ...
Two of the most successful chain stores in the United States right now are Lowe’s and Home Depot. With millions of people cooped up at home, and lots of discretionary ...
I was meeting with Chris at the diner a block from the campus where I worked and where he attended. Catching up on life, we talked about classes, his ...
There are over 384,000 evangelical churches in the U.S. today, and there are some 5,300 colleges and universities, if you count everything from beauty schools to Harvard ...
Welcome to college ministry, new staff! We are so glad that you’ve joined our happy band as we, together, reach the campus for God’s glory. Jesus says in Matthew 9:37-38 ...