“The University is the clear cut fulcrum with which to move the world…More potently than by any other means, change the university and you change the world.” ...
Want your ministry to multiply this year? Delegate responsibility to your student leaders, starting today. Wait, wait, I know. You think they will buy the wrong beef patties for the ...
Sometimes ministry happened in a formal Bible study, and other times in a conversation over a pile of laundry. God allows us to love people “as we go;” to ...
How do we know if we are making progress in college ministry? What is success in a job that never ends, that begins again every fall with more freshmen to ...
How we invest our summer months can have a huge impact on our fall and spring semesters. If we don’t “water the flowers” in the summer, we might find ourselves ...
Want to make sure the short-term mission program you’re considering is effective and of high quality? I’m going to walk you through the seven standards that SOE (Standards of ...
All of us want to be growing our staff teams in size and quality. Why? In order to reach and impact more people for Christ. But how and when do ...
Although the overwhelming logistics of planning a summer project (housing, jobs, food, etc.) can be enough to make a campus minister’s head spin, there are some big picture areas ...
There is success when staff engage in Ministry Partnership Development as a spiritual exercise, where God empowers them to take risks and recognize His divine orchestration for the sake of ...
Don’t let this Easter slip by without the revelation that the nightmare is over; the old has gone and the new has come. Take some time to enjoy the freedom ...