Your efforts to mobilize students to have a personal ministry will be much more effective if you give students “tracks to run on” as you inspire them with stories and ...
Ever vigilant, this awkward but persistent young visionary pioneered the modern missions movement from America. If Samuel could communicate one thing to us today it would be, “We can do ...
I know I’m showing my age in revealing this list of my “goldie oldies,” but these books have stood the test of time. Put these on your “to read” ...
Since most campus directors are from Mars and women are from Venus, it’s difficult to understand each other from light years away. I facilitate this two-way discussion about ...
Seven out of ten college graduates have student loans. That is truly staggering. Overwhelming. There is so much at stake; we cannot afford to sit idly by while we lose ...
Allowing students to be a part of developing a campus ministry strategy will help them reach their personal ministry targets.
You will never see any movement on campus until leaders pass on the urgency of evangelism by modeling how to have a personal ministry.
We aren’t using the word flippantly when we say porn has created an epidemic. It has derailed so many ministry opportunities throughout history it’s ridiculous. We need a better understanding ...
A personal ministry target is an affinity group or pocket of people on campus who shares something in common. The goal is to share the gospel with as many as ...
The first hour of staff meetings during my first five years were spent hanging out, eating, and doing team bonding questions. I would’ve been able to enjoy this if ...