If you couldn’t tell from our photo, this month’s webinar is trying to make you Stretch Armstrong. However, we aren’t trying to make you rubbery. It ...
In This Change is Everything: The Hope and Future of Gospel Mission, I walk you through the history of God using young people to transform individuals, communities, cultures and nations ...
Committing to a lifestyle of making disciples means walking with people in the joyful seasons and the darkest seasons. You will have to make sacrifices as you pour into them ...
If you think of evangelism as pairing up for an hour occasionally and talking to people you don’t know, you’re missing out on opportunities the Lord may have for ...
People often ask me where my office is on the campus of Ole Miss, and I tell them my office is the whole Greek system here. We have some of ...
Have you ever wanted to sit with the Apostle Paul and get his opinion on your ministry? Well, over the past few years, I have tried to read Paul’s ...
Ministering on campus, we are constantly having to make decisions about whom we should bless, and in whom we should invest. It seemed to me that we need something in ...
Movements are not built in the first few weeks of the fall. They take years. Movements are not built by the masses but by small groups passionately following Christ.
I believe the best thing a minister of Christ can do is challenge their people to give up “good” opportunities for “great” ones. The greatest opportunities and biggest need will ...
If I told you God would give you the privilege of leading 5-10 students to Jesus this semester, would you be willing to be used by Him? Of course! What ...