The way a mediocre magician becomes a good magician is by practicing the steps to perform with excellence—and we must do the same…
A couple of years ago our staff team agreed to never share the gospel alone again. If we want to be a multiplying ministry that makes disciples who make disciples ...
Our ministry was doing a great job of teaching people how to get in the Word and share their faith. We had great tools for spiritual disciplines but we didn’t ...
Even though I had studied at the largest seminaries in the world, I’d never heard this Biblical perspective. The Lord forming a people from every ethnic group on the planet ...
Introducing somebody to Christ is one of the most exciting things we do in the Christian life. The best part is knowing I’m just a small cog in the ...
Are you able to look deeply into the eyes of a single student and see the world won to Christ? What is the worth of just one individual? Would Jesus ...
A multiplying movement that doesn’t begin with the lost rarely ever evolves in that direction. And The Great Commission assumes that we are beginning with those who are not disciples
Thirty years ago, God got a hold of a wild, talented college student. It produced 30 church plants in the US and over 60 partnerships in 35 countries around the world
As I have been focusing on this rather narrow niche of male students over the years, I’ve concluded there are some unique, but powerful, advantages to reaching out to these ...
Campus Ministry Leader, let’s get real with each other. If your vision is only for the campus, it’s too small.