Often times, when we think about the traditional “spiritual disciplines” what comes to mind are things like prayer, fasting, scripture reading, memorization, worship, and fellowship. But what about serving, tithing ...
You and I only have 3-5 years to help prepare a student for a lifetime of walking with God and laboring in the harvest. One of the most essential tools ...
For the last decade, my wife and I have made it a priority to send our supporters a Christmas gift. We give them the same gift every year, on purpose ...
In ministry, we can choose to discard or neglect strategy, saying we are just going to “be led of the Lord.” That may hide our laziness or fear of ...
Despite the spiritual and relational carnage caused by porn use, few churches and ministries actually address the issue. What if helping your staff and students break free from pornography was ...
Does your staff team have a clear, defined goal for this year? Yes, we know we’re trying to build laborers from the college campuses of the world, but that’s ...
“What are your irreducible minimums as you open your first ministry at Arizona?” asked my friend. “Irreduci…mina…what the heck is he talking about?” Before I could answer, my ...
Developing an eternal perspective is one of the most important training objectives for a growing believer. It helps motivate disciples to share Christ, make disciples, as well as endure hardships ...
The leaders are key in your campus moving forward, but the campus director must provide avenues for them to have more influences in their spiritual walk beyond you. Shaping strong ...
It seems as if the longer people are Christians, the fewer non-believing friends they have. Instead of believers pairing up and immersing themselves into the non-Christian dorms and Greek chapters ...