You just invested a couple years of your life into discipling several college students. Will your investment pay off? One would hope so! Unfortunately, what I have heard from many ...
Have you ever poured your time and prayers into someone who just doesn’t seem receptive? If so, you’ve probably felt discouraged and questioned whether you’re wasting your time.
Some of us are in a season of seeing amazing things happen, and some of us are in a place where we’re seeing very few tangible results of our ...
Often times, when we think about the traditional “spiritual disciplines” what comes to mind are things like prayer, fasting, scripture reading, memorization, worship, and fellowship. But what about serving, tithing ...
You and I only have 3-5 years to help prepare a student for a lifetime of walking with God and laboring in the harvest. One of the most essential tools ...
In ministry, we can choose to discard or neglect strategy, saying we are just going to “be led of the Lord.” That may hide our laziness or fear of ...
Last week I explained to you the necessity of developing a set of irreducible minimums that would guide your ministry. This week I thought it would be helpful for you to ...
Leading a Bible study in a Greek house can be very intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. My goal in this article is to make it as easy as ...
It seems as if the longer people are Christians, the fewer non-believing friends they have. Instead of believers pairing up and immersing themselves into the non-Christian dorms and Greek chapters ...
Every September it happens for me. Between gospel conversations, following up with new believers, helping new laborers know what to do next, and being a father and a husband, I ...